Sunday, September 3, 2006

Poetry 0001

if I were you I'd pack my bags and get the fuck out of dodge
i hope you enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame
because this is going to be fifteen minutes you're going to want to forget
faking your way through life on the back of someone else
if everyone jumped off a bridge
i bet you would say it was your idea
i pray your broken family heals your broken neck
eat shit and live
you dug your own grave; i just helped you fill it in.
if I cut off your arms and legs and wrap you in some fucked up cocoon
would you still look at me and say,
"You can't catch what you can't see"?
well I caught you, honey. like the clap, sugar. what do you think of that?
you are the one i want to nail to the floor
i want our sex to smell like your death.
the blood was warm, 'til you hit the floor
and spread your arms out like christ
now tell me about death
tell me about disease
there is no other way to live

Pas le mien.

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